
  1. Importantly we need to identify potential card users early and the users need to take more responsibility for their accounts.  
  2. This will include uploading receipts appropriately and in time and not losing their card.
  3. Here is our terms &v Agreement


Approval Process

Details of cardholders will be held in a file on  This will be filled in by the applicant/cardholder and will contain, at minimum, first and last names (actual not ConFest) email, phone number, area of involvement/facilitation and the name of a Facilitator or Director who sponsors the application. - Application Form

Secretary advise BookKeeper
The Secretary will advise the Bookkeeper (BLN) of new applicants.

Bookkeeper advises Bank
BLN will arrange with BB to allocate an account 

Bookkeeper advises Applicant
Advise the applicant to produce ID at applicant BB branch,
Applicant to fill in required forms
Applicant Check - Internet Banking
Applicant Check - Deliver to your branch or their home address (Branch is best)


Using Your Card and Dext 

Account Holder learns Dext
Instructions on how to upload receipts using Dext and other instructions regarding the use of cards will be provided by DTE and may appear on More about DEXT

FCM Events

FCM Processes