Board Meeting Info 

Meets - ZoomRoom - 7:30PM First Thursday of the month

You can follow the meeting schedule here 

Past meeting minutes are stored here

We also have a Facebook Group for DTE members  – FGroup


Agenda Items (Not budgetary or reimburse/advance)

If you would like to an agenda item to the next meeting please use this Add Agenda Item


Funding & Reimbursements

If you would like to know more about funding visit Apply for Funding 

If you are seeking reimbursement, please upload your approved expenses into DEX or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The board consists of seven elected members

Current Down To Earth Board Members

* Shardae Reed
* Andrew McLean
* Lance Nash
* Malcolm Matthews
* Sue Helson
* Robin Macpherson
* Brian Denham

Contacting the board

Email secretary@ or board@ if you would like the matter discussed at a board meeting

Email directors@ circulates your message to directors, however this does not mean it will be treated as a board matter.